Surrounded by People:
A Social Psychology Primer
This title coincided with a severe staffing shortage. As a result, I took on most of the major roles myself, delegating work to assistants and interns. The core of the text was an attempt by a previous author, quite a good one I might add, at branching out. Unfortunately, that is not alway successful. As a result, we had to do extensive rewriting. That was actually quite enjoyable, as I had been missing that particular aspect of editing most of all. Sadly, this book was the last project before it was bought and divested of assets.
What editor doesn't love a diamond in the rough? I know I do. Regardless, it needed to happen. The information here has been out of respect for the author. This book would have been an absolute gem.
Please note that the text is © 2017 Fourth City Press, all rights reserved used under license. The cover, art, layout, and design are © 2017 Amelia Hollis. All rights reserved.